The key to a good memory, health and mood

Memodance is a new way of enjoying dancing while making use of its power of preventing memory illnesses. Memodance is fun and easy solo dance, that includes important exercises that improve memory health. Multitasking and coordination strengthens and sustains cognitive skills such as observation, attention, thinking and learning. Music, the surprise of the movements and the changing directions activate the brain effectively and in a fun way.

Memodance develops mobility, balance, posture and muscle strength which are typical features of dance exercise.

Memodance is for everyone! You do not need previous dance experience.

A researched effect on preventing memory illnesses

For years dance has been known to have an effect in preventing memory illnesses. Memodance has been developed in Finland as the first form of dance specifically to prevent memory illnesses and sustaining the ability to function.

Interested in becoming a Memodance instructor?

Everyone can dance. Training for instructors begins in Spring 2020. Anyone with an interest in directing groups in care homes can become an instructor. Previous instructor experience is a benefit, but not a necessity. An open mind and an excited attitude are even more important!


The person behind Memodance is dance instructor Leila Ketola, who has developed new dance forms for special needs groups for over 30 years.

  • Artistic Director and Founder of KETO, one of the most prestigious dance schools in Finland
  • Over 30 years of experience as a Dance Instructor
  • Degree in Physiotherapy and studies in Pedagogical Leadership

Are you interested?

Give us a call or send us an email to get started!


Metallimiehenkatu 2 B (Emalipolku 2 B)
04410 Järvenpää, Finland


+358 50 365 0276